Standing Spruce Handcrafted Soap

Regular price $11.50

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Standing Spruce is an Authentic indigenous wellness company steeped in traditional teachings, values, and customs. They believe in in the importance of mother earth for our health and wellbeing.

These wildcrafted handmade soaps are botanical infused and cold pressed and weigh around 5oz.

Soap Descriptions:

Earth Witch Soap
Purely handcrafted and balanced this creamy, earthy, and grounding soap is hard with rich lather. Dressed with hand foraged ingredients chosen for the beauty of the forest with blue lichen, the forest healer and oak mosses off the coast.
It has a subtle fragrance of earthy moss, raw soil, and the forest roots found in the notes of vetiver, warm woods and blooming flowers of honeysuckles, and jasmine. This nourishing yet detoxifying soap rich with clays and arrowroot will polish your skin yet gentle and soothing enough for eczema, and reactive skin types.
Gentle enough for your face , body, and hair, made with moon and storm water and blessed according to the moon phases.


Honeymoon Soap
“The Honeymoon Bar” The very first soap Standing Spruce ever made over 15 years ago. Young and in love with piña coladas, this old-timey recipe came on a plane to Hawaii for our honeymoon. With a light fragrance of tuberose and plumerias on the wind, toasted coconut and cream and the warm beige of the Hawaiian beaches, this hard bar is softly exfoliating, and safe to use in your hair. Always Made with moon water, love and happy memories.